How to create a FAKE VIRUS in 30 seconds on Windows

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VBS script doc:

As always let me know what you think with a comment and if there are some common issues I'll pin a comment with a FAQ section.

#01 Stupid story with final shut down:

x=msgbox("Your computer is being controlled remotely from someone else." & vbCrLf & "Click OK to continue.",4096+48, "DANGER!")
x=msgbox("Do NOT tell anyone about this otherwise I will delete all your files on this computer!",4096+16, "DANGER!")
x=msgbox("To regain control of your computer you have to answer correctly to ALL the following questions.",4096+48, "DANGER!")
x=msgbox("Have you any idea why am i punishing you!?",4096+32+4, "Question number 1")
x=msgbox("Are you nervous right know?!",4096+32+4, "Question number 2")
x=msgbox("You're answering too fast! This is something serious, read carefully the questions or I will delete all your files right now!",4096+16, "NO JOKES!")
x=msgbox("Press the OK button exactly 5 seconds after the next question appears!",4096+48, "Last question...")
x=msgbox("First try...",4096+48, "Tick-Tock...")
x=msgbox("Second try...",4096+16, "Too early!")
x=msgbox("Last try...",4096+16, "Too late!")
x=msgbox("DELETING ALL FILES...",4096+16+1, "")
Dim objShell
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "C:\WINDOWS\system32\shutdown.exe -s -t 0"

#02 Annoying message:

x=msgbox("Click OK " & n & " times to close this window",4096+48, "Rick-The-Click")
loop while NOT n = 0
x=msgbox("So what?",4096+16, "LOL")

Как удалить вирус
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